Adding Background Color to PNG using Python
While converting from PNG to JPG, a black/white background will be added to fill in the transparent layer of PNG. This python code enable user to customise this background color while converting PNG images to JPG
python 3.7.2
pip install pytesseract
The Code
from PIL import Image
im ="C:\tmp\test.png")
fill_color = (120,8,220) # your new background color
im = im.convert("RGBA") # it had mode P after DL it from OP
if im.mode in ('RGBA', 'LA'):
background =[:-1], im.size, fill_color)
background.paste(im, im.split()[-1]) # omit transparency
im = background
Loop Through Folder
import os
from PIL import Image
path = r"C:\tmp"
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path, topdown=False):
for name in files:
print(os.path.join(root, name))
im =, name))
fill_color = (120,8,220) # your new background color
im = im.convert("RGBA") # it had mode P after DL it from OP
if im.mode in ('RGBA', 'LA'):
background =[:-1], im.size, fill_color)
background.paste(im, im.split()[-1]) # omit transparency
im = background
result = name.replace(".png", ".jpg")
im.convert("RGB").save(os.path.join(root, result))