TailwindCSS + postCSS + BrowserSync + Gulp for WordPress Theme Development & Production
"devDependencies": {
"autoprefixer": "^10.2.5",
"browser-sync": "^2.26.
Error Note - Android Studio
records configuration issues and solution when developing on Android Studio
WordPress links and permalink
A customised URL style can not only increase customer satisfaction but also make it easier to identify the location when issues occured.
Ghost Theme Development Environment Setup
To take advantage of the linux system. developing custom ghost theme with WSL2 on Windows is an ideal option. Yet some incompatible issues is worth recording. Such as detecting file changes.
Nodejs on WSL2
setting up nodejs on WSL2 with nvm.
Laravel Development with Docker and VS Code
A flexible starting template for full stack development with Laravel as API endpoint and admin dashboard and vuejs SPA as frontend application. It enables unit testing with each components, regular dependency updates, local hosting and development servers.
VS Code is the default coding tool.
代码简洁之道 - 读书笔记
1. 简洁代码
* 优雅,高效;减少依赖;完善错误处理代码;处理专一事务 - Bjarne Stroustrup
* 简单直接,干净利落的抽象(crisp abstraction),直截了当的控制语句 - Grady Booch
* 可由其他开发者阅读和增补;应有单元测试和验收测试;
WeChat Mini Program - Built-in Cloud Support
WeChat Mini Program now supports built-in Cloud Database, Storage, Function support for repid development.
The smallest unit of computing hardware in Kubernetes.
The cluster
An abstraction layer, the whole of nodes.
Wordpress Theme Development with Docker and UnderStrap
Docker Set-up for Wordpress Development
Define Services in a Compose File
# Version of the Compose file format
# Version 3