SSH Key Generation and How to use Multiple Keys

Key Generation

ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "" -b 4096

File with .pub is the public key,
another on is the private key

Multiple Keys

When having multiple SSH keys(for different accounts) under the same domain ( or, system will not be able to detect which one to use. Therefore, it requires to have a config file directing the correct key for various user account

Host tagone
	User git
	IdentityFile ~/.ssh/privatekeyone

Host tagtwo
	User git
	IdentityFile ~/.ssh/privatekeytwo

Then when trying to connect to remote git repository, using tagone or tagtwo to replace hostname (

git clone tagone:username/project.git


Server Side

Register public key in the server: copy and paste the public key at the bottom of the following file.

sudo vim ~/.ssh/authorized_keys