Resolve Docker Error - Error response from daemon: Ports are not available
Solution for resolving a docker error that arises after WSL reboot.
Docker Proxy
Setup docker proxy that affects all builds, even when it is not specify in the Dockerfile, which may be confusing on the next build when proxy is not required.
NextCloud on Docker 2024
Use the following config to rapidly deploy a NextCloud container for testing purposes.
Nginx Reverse Proxy | Auto HTTPS with Let's Encrypt | Multiple Docker Containers
Combine the power of Nginx Reverse Proxy, Let's Encrypt and Docker for a better web development and production experience
Connecting a Docker Container on Lightsail Instance to AWS Lightsail Database
It is much more convenient to use an isolated Database considering the level of control and ease of data access, compared to an all-in-one docker-compose.
Xdebug with Docker on localhost with proxy to the Internet
Simple config to allow Xdebug to connect to the VS Code and container to the Internet via proxy.
Port Forwarding for WSL2+Vscode, Docker Desktop with Wordpress+Xdebug3(+Certbot)
Quickly setup port fowarding for WSL2 to receive Xdebug signal within a Docker Container
Update Images with Docker Compose
Docker Compose provides an efficient manner to update base images all at once
Laravel Development with Docker and VS Code
A flexible starting template for full stack development with Laravel as API endpoint and admin dashboard and vuejs SPA as frontend application. It enables unit testing with each components, regular dependency updates, local hosting and development servers.
VS Code is the default coding tool.
Wordpress Theme Development with Docker and UnderStrap
Docker Set-up for Wordpress Development
Define Services in a Compose File
# Version of the Compose file format
# Version 3