TailwindCSS + postCSS + BrowserSync + Gulp for WordPress Theme Development & Production
"devDependencies": {
"autoprefixer": "^10.2.5",
"browser-sync": "^2.26.
WordPress links and permalink
A customised URL style can not only increase customer satisfaction but also make it easier to identify the location when issues occured.
Wordpress Theme Development with Docker and UnderStrap
Docker Set-up for Wordpress Development
Define Services in a Compose File
# Version of the Compose file format
# Version 3
Only-Home-Page Problem during WordPress Hosting or Migration
There are times when a WordPress site needs to be migrated to a new server or hosting. When 'everything' is set up, only the home page can be accessed as expected while all other pages return 404.
Following the below method should solve the problem in most case.
Make a Widget in WordPress
How to make you own widget in a theme for WordPress
Paginating Search Result in WordPress
Inject parameter that control pagination of query result so that search.php can display paginated result
Framework with Plugins and Tools for WordPress Theme Development for Marketing
* Starter Theme: Underscore
* General CSS and Layout: Bootstrap
* Plugin Activation(requires plugins within theme): TGM Plugin Activation
Plugins (Development
Post Pagination with Page Number- WordPress Theme Development
Replace the default Old-New Pagination with Numbered Pagination
// Do not include the opening php code
function numeric_
Inject Tracking Code with a Plugin in WordPress
My Custom Functions
Simply put, the code injected with the plugin will be appended to functions.php
// Below