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WeChat Data API

A reference for the Data available from the WeChat Data API
WeChat Data API
Photo by Douglas Lopes / Unsplash

A reference for the Data available from the WeChat Data API

Followers Data

Parameter Description
ref_date Date of the data
user_source Method by which followers were added:

0: other, 17: shared name card, 30: scanned QR code, 35: searched account name (searched on the Add Contacts screen), 39: queried official account, 43: top-right menu within webview

new_user Number of added followers
cancel_user Number of unfollows, new_user minus cancel_user is the net-increased number followers
cumulate_user Total number of followers

Rich Media Data

Parameters Description
ref_date Date of the data, between begin_date and end_date
ref_hour Hour of the data, from 000 to 2300, indicating from [000,100) (first hour of each day) to [2300,2400) (last hour of each day)
stat_date Date of data statistics, with ref_date in getarticletotal API indicating the date in the rich media message is sent
msgid Composed of msgid (rich media message ID) and index (article index). Such as 12003_3, 12003 indicates the rich media message ID, 3 indicates the article index within the rich media message (assuming that this rich media message includes five articles)
title Title of the rich media message
int_page_read_user Number of followers who viewed the article web page (by clicking the rich media message)
int_page_read_count Number of views of the article web page
ori_page_read_user Number of followers who viewed the original web page (by clicking "Read more" on the article web page), 0 if there is no original web page
ori_page_read_count View count of the original web page
share_scene Share type

1: Shared to a chat, 2: Shared to Moments, 3: Shared to Weibo, 255: Other

share_user Number of followers who shared the article web page
share_count Number of times the article web page has been shared
add_to_fav_user Number of followers who favorited the article web page
add_to_fav_count Number of times for article web page favorited
target_user Number of targeted users, usually equal to the total number of followers (minus followers added to the blacklist or who failed to receive messages due to abnormal operation)
user_source Exists only when the data of rich media viewing over time is obtained, indicating the entry for a user to view the rich media message. 0: session; 1: chat; 2: Moments; 3: Tencent Weibo; 4: history message page; 5: other
Description of fields in the API of obtaining total rich media broadcast data

intpagefromsessionreaduser Number of users viewing the official account session
intpagefromsessionreadcount Number of views for the official account session
intpagefromhistmsgreaduser Number of users viewing the history message page
intpagefromhistmsgreadcount Number of views for the history message page
intpagefromfeedreaduser Number of users viewing Moments
intpagefromfeedreadcount Number of views for Moments
intpagefromfriendsreaduser Number of users viewing chat sharing
intpagefromfriendsreadcount Number of views for chat sharing
intpagefromotherreaduser Number of users viewing other scenarios
intpagefromotherreadcount Number of views for other scenarios

feedsharefromsessionuser Number of users sharing the official account session on Moments
feedsharefromsessioncnt Number of sharings of the official account session on Moments
feedsharefromfeeduser Number of users sharing on Moments from Moments
feedsharefromfeedcnt Number of sharings on Moments from Moments
feedsharefromotheruser Number of users sharing on Moments from other scenarios
feedsharefromothercnt Number of sharings on Moments from other scenarios

Message Data

Parameter Description
ref_date Date of the data, between begin_date and end_date
ref_hour Hour of the data, from 000 to 2300, indicating from [000,100) (first hour of each day) to [2300,2400) (last hour of each day)
msg_type Message type:

1: Text, 2: Image, 3: Audio, 4: Video, 6: Third-party application (i.e. URL)

msg_user Number of followers who sent messages to the official account
msg_count Number of user-sent messages
count_interval Interval for the number of messages user has sent to the official account in the specified day: 0: 0, 1: 1-5, 2: 6-10, 3: more than 10
int_page_read_count Number of views of the article web page
ori_page_read_user Number of followers who viewed the original web page (by clicking "Read more" on the article web page), 0 if there is no the original web page

Callback Data

Parameter Description
ref_date Date of the data, between begin_date and end_date
ref_hour Hour of the data, from 000 to 2300, indicating from [000,100) (first hour of each day) to [2300,2400) (last hour of each day)
callback_count Number automatic replies sent to followers after receiving messages through the server-configured address
fail_count Number of failures for the above operation
total_time_cost Total time cost (when divided by callback_count you get the average time cost)
max_time_cost Maximum time cost