WeChat Data API
A reference for the Data available from the WeChat Data API
Followers Data
Parameter | Description |
ref_date | Date of the data |
user_source | Method by which followers were added:
0: other, 17: shared name card, 30: scanned QR code, 35: searched account name (searched on the Add Contacts screen), 39: queried official account, 43: top-right menu within webview |
new_user | Number of added followers |
cancel_user | Number of unfollows, new_user minus cancel_user is the net-increased number followers |
cumulate_user | Total number of followers |
Rich Media Data
Parameters | Description |
ref_date | Date of the data, between begin_date and end_date |
ref_hour | Hour of the data, from 000 to 2300, indicating from [000,100) (first hour of each day) to [2300,2400) (last hour of each day) |
stat_date | Date of data statistics, with ref_date in getarticletotal API indicating the date in the rich media message is sent |
msgid | Composed of msgid (rich media message ID) and index (article index). Such as 12003_3, 12003 indicates the rich media message ID, 3 indicates the article index within the rich media message (assuming that this rich media message includes five articles) |
title | Title of the rich media message |
int_page_read_user | Number of followers who viewed the article web page (by clicking the rich media message) |
int_page_read_count | Number of views of the article web page |
ori_page_read_user | Number of followers who viewed the original web page (by clicking "Read more" on the article web page), 0 if there is no original web page |
ori_page_read_count | View count of the original web page |
share_scene | Share type
1: Shared to a chat, 2: Shared to Moments, 3: Shared to Weibo, 255: Other |
share_user | Number of followers who shared the article web page |
share_count | Number of times the article web page has been shared |
add_to_fav_user | Number of followers who favorited the article web page |
add_to_fav_count | Number of times for article web page favorited |
target_user | Number of targeted users, usually equal to the total number of followers (minus followers added to the blacklist or who failed to receive messages due to abnormal operation) |
user_source | Exists only when the data of rich media viewing over time is obtained, indicating the entry for a user to view the rich media message. 0: session; 1: chat; 2: Moments; 3: Tencent Weibo; 4: history message page; 5: other |
Description of fields in the API of obtaining total rich media broadcast data |
intpagefromsessionreaduser Number of users viewing the official account session
Message Data
Parameter | Description |
ref_date | Date of the data, between begin_date and end_date |
ref_hour | Hour of the data, from 000 to 2300, indicating from [000,100) (first hour of each day) to [2300,2400) (last hour of each day) |
msg_type | Message type:
1: Text, 2: Image, 3: Audio, 4: Video, 6: Third-party application (i.e. URL) |
msg_user | Number of followers who sent messages to the official account |
msg_count | Number of user-sent messages |
count_interval | Interval for the number of messages user has sent to the official account in the specified day: 0: 0, 1: 1-5, 2: 6-10, 3: more than 10 |
int_page_read_count | Number of views of the article web page |
ori_page_read_user | Number of followers who viewed the original web page (by clicking "Read more" on the article web page), 0 if there is no the original web page |
Callback Data
Parameter | Description |
ref_date | Date of the data, between begin_date and end_date |
ref_hour | Hour of the data, from 000 to 2300, indicating from [000,100) (first hour of each day) to [2300,2400) (last hour of each day) |
callback_count | Number automatic replies sent to followers after receiving messages through the server-configured address |
fail_count | Number of failures for the above operation |
total_time_cost | Total time cost (when divided by callback_count you get the average time cost) |
max_time_cost | Maximum time cost |