2 min read

App Removed: Families Policy Requirements: Families Data Practices

The app has been removed from Google Play Store due to an update of the Family Policy forbidding the collection of Android Advertising ID (AAID), SIM Serial, Build Serial, BSSID, MAC, SSID, IMEI, IMSI
App Removed: Families Policy Requirements: Families Data Practices
Photo by Jason Dent / Unsplash
Solving the “Families Policy Requirement” Rejection in Android PlayStore
A recent challenge many Android developers have faced is the consistent rejection of apps from the PlayStore, particularly concerning the…

Firebase SDK - Disable Advertising ID collection

prevent AD_ID permission merged from dependency

            tools:node="remove" />

disable advertising ID collection

    <meta-data android:name="google_analytics_adid_collection_enabled" android:value="false" />
    <meta-data android:name="google_analytics_default_allow_ad_personalization_signals" android:value="false" />

sync Gradle to reflect Manifest editing before a new build

Check Output Manifest

Android Studio -> Build -> Analyze APK

Manifest Merge Log

check the source of permission merged from a dependency

Data practices in Families apps - Play Console Help
Apps which include children in their target audience should not transmit the following from children or users of unknown age:&nbsp; Android Advertising ID (AAID) SIM Serial Build Serial BS

Advertising Declaration

Google will check all existing releases to verify the declaration, so since this was declared before (saying the AD_ID permission is required in the previous release), there is no way to remove the declaration, all you can do is ignore the Error asking to include the AD_ID permission.