Subsetting Chinese Font File(Google Noto Sans CJK) for the web
The Font: NotosansCJK
Download Free Google Noto sans font
Font Format Convertor
An online Tool to convert the original OpenType
PhpStorm SASS (/SCSS) File Watcher for (WordPress)Underscore Starter Theme
Key Setting
Arguments: --cache --update $FileName$:$FileParentDir$/$FileNameWithoutExtension$.css
Migrating OwnCloud 9.1.1 to NextCloud 12.0.4
Guideline for a successful migration from OwnCloud 9.1.1 to NextCloud 12.0.4
SSH Key Generation and How to use Multiple Keys
Key Generation
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "" -b 4096
File with .pub is the public
HTML(Single Dom Element) to PDF in Front End(using JS)
* MrRio/jsPDF: To generate a PDF
* niklasvh/html2canvas: To generate image from HTML(Dom element)
* eKoopmans/html2canvas: Customed built
Basis of Docker
Normal Windows Installer
version check
* docker --version
* docker-compose --version
* docker-machine --version
* docker version detailed description of docker
* docker
Adding the Weibo "Follow Me" Button on a Website
how to add the "Follow Me on Weibo" Button on a Website
Weather API For Chinese Cities
Through the research of available weather API in China. Several data sources were found as well as some famous weather API providers.
Resize the data disk on Alibaba Cloud ECS
* Ubuntu 18.04
Data Backup
This is important in case anything unpredicted occurs, so everything can be simply