Nextcloud on AWS Linux 2023
using Nextcloud All-in-One Docker image to facilitate the installation of Nextcloud on AWS server
NextCloud on Docker 2024
Use the following config to rapidly deploy a NextCloud container for testing purposes.
Remote Proxy Server
remote proxy setup simplified
WordPress Query Loop Block
As an essential Block in the WordPress block era. Building a customised Query Loop can sometimes be tricky. Here comes Query Loop Simplified.
Let's Encrypt on Docker
Trigger let's encrypt certification generation using one command with Docker
Update Ghost on Docker
Guideline for updating Ghost 5.x hosted as docker container
Nginx Reverse Proxy | Auto HTTPS with Let's Encrypt | Multiple Docker Containers
Combine the power of Nginx Reverse Proxy, Let's Encrypt and Docker for a better web development and production experience
Connecting a Docker Container on Lightsail Instance to AWS Lightsail Database
It is much more convenient to use an isolated Database considering the level of control and ease of data access, compared to an all-in-one docker-compose.
Development Proxy (Flutter and IOS)
common proxy setting in developing IOS using Flutter